
Extra Yard for Teachers
The Military Bowl Foundation and the College Football Playoff Foundation are proud to support teachers who have gone above and beyond to help their students. Through the College Football Playoff Foundation’s Extra Yard for Teachers program, the Go Bowling Military Bowl is providing grants to teachers in the National Capital Region to help supplement their classrooms and classes.
Tickets for Troops
Service members can request complimentary game tickets. Tickets are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Active Duty, Active Reservists and Active National Guard Service Members and their military dependents are eligible for the tickets.
Stem Scholar Athlete
The Military Bowl STEM Scholar-Athlete Program honors one football player at each university that is a member of the ACC and the American Athletic Conference – the two conferences that are represented in the Go Bowling Military Bowl. These players are studying STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) subjects and/or aspire to STEM careers.
Camouflage to Cleats
The DC Divas women’s football team has a strong contingent of active-duty and veteran service members on the roster. Learn more about some of these amazing team members in our Camouflage to Cleats campaign.
Bud Heroes
We all have heroes in our lives. Some wear combat boots, some put out fires, some protect us every day, many are unsung. We want to know….who’s your hero? Upload a photo here and tell us your story, or share a photo or video on facebook, twitter or instagram using #BUDHEROES